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Mundus quartet

Mundus Quartet

*****EP Released*****

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Live at Old Roots New Routes


The music of Mundus Quartet combines the heritage of timeless traditions stemming from the broad world of the contemporary modal, Makam and Sufi music originated from the Silk Road

Mundus Quartet was founded in 2019 in the Netherlands, with musicians coming from different corners of the world. Their music is just as diverse as their origins, blending colorful soundscapes from Byzantine era, Minor Asia, Mediterranean and Balkan sounds to improvised contemporary music elements. The musicians, anchored in a vigorous tradition, are in phase with today's world and more than ever receptive to other musical styles

The goal of its music is to carry on the tradition of modal composition from a contemporary perspective. Mundus Quartet is the expression of the beauty of modality and the rich world of rhythms.

Mundus Quartet- photo by Eric van Nieuwland





Emine Bostanci (Turkey) - kemenche, vocals

Bence Huszar (Hungary) - cello

Sjahin During (Turkey/Netherlands - percussion

Juliano Abramovay (Brazil) - fretless guitar, oud

Photo by Eric van Nieuwland


*Mundus Productions*


Sjahin During

Tel +31641256366 

Mundus Quartet B&W



8 November – Lombok Festival, Utrecht
24 November – Mezrab, Amsterdam

14 January – Zaantheater, Zaandam
31 January – Matrix, Rotterdam
1 February – Dutch Delta Sounds, Amsterdam

12 June - Vrije Geluiden VPRO - Tivoli Vredenburg, Utrecht

26 June - InJazz Festival - Bimhuis, Amsterdam
28 June - Amsterdam Roots Festival

7 August - Tivoli Vredenburg, Utrecht

8 August - Dakterras Art, Amsterdam

6 September - De Roze Tanker, Amsterdam

2 October -  Groove Beest Series - Bimhuis, Amsterdam

4 October - Groove Beest Series - Bimhuis, Amsterdam (POSTPONED - Date TBA) 

18 October - Groove Beest Series - Lantaren Vest, Rotterdam (POSTPONED - Date TBA)


7 February - Theater X, Leiden

Socal Media
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Emine Bostanci – kemenche, vocals (Turkey)


Emine was born in Istanbul. She graduated top of her class (High Honor) from Yıldız Technical University, Art and Design Faculty, the Department of Music and Performing Arts in Istanbul. She graduated with her MA studies at Codarts, University of Arts Rotterdam with 10\10. She was awarded the First Prize at the Young Instrumentalists Competition held in memory of Tanburi Cemil Bey at the 100th anniversary of his death by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Culture. She performed at international festivals and venues such as the Royal Concertgebouw, Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ, De Doelen, Muziekgebouw Eindhoven, TivoliVredenburg, Zuiderstrandtheater, Bimhuis, Cemal Resit Rey Concert Hall, Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore, Festival Rencontres des Cinemas D’europe, Newlands Festival, Medfest. She participated as a soloist for the Nederlans Blazers Ensemble in 2019. Besides, she participated as a young soloist for the Presidential Turkish Classical Music Choir in May 2019. Currently she lives in the Netherlands where she finished her Masters in Codarts and did several collaborations with amazing artists such as Nederlands Blazers Ensemble, Kudsi Erguner, Martin Fonds, Bart Schneemann, Sokratis Sinopoulos, Eric van der Westen, Johan van der Linden, Wilmar de Visser, Alex Simu, Jawa Manla.

















Juliano Abramovay – fretless guitar and oud (Brazil)
Juliano is a Brazilian multi-instrumentalist and composer. While studying classical guitar at São Paulo’s Municipal School of Music, Juliano began to branch out from traditional guitar technique mastering fretless guitar and oud, as well as researching traditional music from Greece and Turkey. After studying with the ney master Kudsi Erguner, Juliano started to merge the melodic richness of the Eastern Mediterranean traditional music with his background as a Brazilian musician, through his current projects Amazonon and Magma Project. He recorded 8 albums with Brazilian artists Luiza Lian, Grand Bazaar, Orkestra Bandida, Yaqin Ensemble, Noite Torta and Fortuna, and helps to run the label and arts collective Selo Risco. He also performed in international festivals and venues such as De Doelen, Music Meeting, Straattheaterfestival Mooi Weer Spelen, Werelds Delfshaven (NE), Attol Festival (DE), G5a Foundation (Mumbai, India), touring with different projects through Cyprus, Malasya, Israel, India and Lebanon. Also, an active educator, Juliano taught at a multidisciplinary art program that works with youth in underserved São Paulo’s favelas and worked as an organizer for the popular music series Winter Festival of Campos do Jordão. He has worked extensively as composer and performer for dance, theatre, cinema and circus, collaborating with artist such as Morena Nascimento, Martha Kiss Perrone and Fernando Meirelles.

Emine Bostanci Mundus Quartet

Sjahin During – percussion set (Turkey/Netherlands)

Sjahin is a permanent resident of the Netherlands where he makes a living as a musician, having founded several groups that include Bayuba Cante, Turqumstances, Tarhana, Afro Anatolian Tales and most recently Arifa & Voices from the East and the Namibian Tales. He is a producer and teacher of world music, specialized in percussion. During has studied and performed on five continents, learning from masters as far afield as Havana, Cuba to Istanbul, Turkey as well as India, Spain and Africa. He collaborated with amazing artists as Aynur Doğan, Arto Tunçboyacıyan, Theodosii Spassov, the Gypsies of Rajasthan, Laka Khan Claron Mcfadden , Asko Schönberg Ensemble, Martin Fondse, Harmen Franje, Arto Tunçboyaciyan, Eric Vloeimans, Naseer Shamma, Edmare Castaneda, Brenna MacCrimmon, Mola Sylla, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui & Les Ballets C. de la B. Sjahin performed in 32 countries worldwide at international festivals and venues such as the Concertgebouw, London Jazz Festival Southbank Centre, Kennedy Art Centre USA, Ethnoport Festival, Jarasum International Jazz Festival, Jazzahead, Chicago World Music Festival, Amsterdam Roots, Bimhuis, Garana Jazz, Havana Jazz, Istanbul Akbank Festival, Shanghai World Music Festival, de Roma, Barbican’s Transcender Festival, Glatt & Verkehrt Festival, BBC Broadcasting House London.
























Bence Huszar – cello (Hungary)

Bence is a cellist of Hungarian origin, descendant of a renown family of musicians. He started studying the cello at the age of six and dedicated himself to the instrument ever since. Over the years he has studied with eight different masters including Gyorgy Deri, Monique Bartels and Ernst Reijseger. Towards the end of his institutional studies Bence felt the need to dive further into his personal musical expression. He took classes with Ernst Reijseger who helped him develop his own musical language and style of playing. Ernst also taught him experimental cello techniques and the art of pulse based rhythmic improvisation. After finishing schools Bence’s attention turned toward other genres than classical western music. His main focus became music with a strong rhytmic framework that led him to all kinds of cross-over genres and world music in general. During his professional carrier he has played throughout Europe and the Middle East with artist like Jahida Wehbe, Karsu Donmez, Mehmet Polat, Osama Abdulrasol and Marwan Fakir. He recorded twenty-seven albums with worldwide artists throughout his career.

Sjahin During Mundus Quartet
Bence Huszar
Juliano Abramovay


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© 2019 by Mundus Quartet

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